Shut Off Procedures
If a monthly bill plus the late charge is not received by the District on the 24th day following the date on which the original bill was mailed, then those outstanding accounts will have their service disconnected, and all accumulated charges plus a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) dispatch fee must be paid prior to the service being restored.
If payment is received after 3 pm, the meter will not be turned back on until the next business day unless a $50 dispatch fee is paid first. When a serviced property changes legal ownership it becomes the responsibility of the new owner to make immediate payment of all charges to date due and owing by the previous owner if service to property is expected to be restored or to continue uninterrupted; otherwise, service to property will be discontinued.
If a renter leaves with a balance owing on an account, then the owner of the property will become responsible for payment of the account before service can be restored. The General Manager reserves the right to discontinue service to any connection where the customer has failed to have the backflow prevention assembly installed, tested, or maintained (all afore mentioned re-activation charges will apply).
Standby Policies
All service connections purchased prior to March 9, 2006 that have been installed and approved by the District but have not provided water to the assigned parcel shall be considered to be in a standby status. All service connections in the standby status shall be charged and the owner of the assigned parcel shall pay a monthly fee of $9.38 /month to defer the cost of monthly reads/inspection.
This monthly standby fee shall be adjusted by the same percentage at the time the monthly meter rate is adjusted. Upon change in ownership or delivery of water to the parcel through the assigned service connection, the service connection will lose its standby status and the service connection shall be charged and the owner of the assigned parcel shall pay the prevailing monthly meter rate.
Once a service connection has been removed from standby status it cannot return to standby status if the meter is shut off and locked at some future date. All service connections purchased after March 9, 2006 which are shut off and locked when installed will be charged the prevailing monthly meter rate. All service connections which are shut off and locked after this date will also be charged the prevailing monthly meter rate. (3-9-06)
Diversion or Theft of Water
It is unlawful for a person to obtain any water, goods or product provided by the District with the intent to avoid payment. (N.R.S. 704.800)
Any customer diverting or stealing water from the District shall be subject to the following charges to cover administrative costs associated with the investigation and possible prosecution of the theft.
1st offense $ 1,000.00
2nd offense $ 2,000.00
3rd offense $ 4,000.00
4th offense $ 6,000.00
In addition to the minimum administrative charge, the customer will be subject to the following actions:
- The customer will be required to pay all costs incurred by the District.
- The customer will pay for any of the Districts equipment such as meters, meter boxes, shut-off assemblies, locks, etc. that are missing or damaged.
- The customer will pay for all legal and collection fees.
- The District will determine and the customer will pay for, the estimated water diverted or stolen.
- At the discretion of the District management, the water theft may be turned over to the District Attorney for criminal action.
- Any employee diverting or stealing water from the District shall be subject to immediate termination.
- The water meter is to remain locked or removed until the administrative charge and any additional charges incurred by the District, as provided for in subsection 1, are paid in full.
Broken Lines
Repairs to a broken line will be the responsibility of the Water District IF the break in the line is at or before the meter.
Repairs to a broken line will be the responsibility of the consumer IF the break in the line is after the meter.
If the consumer feels that his meter is registering incorrectly, the Water District will pull the meter and send it to be tested. If the meter is faulty, the Water District will pay for the test and install a new meter; however, if the meter is not faulty, the consumer will be billed for the test.
When any of the WATER DISTRICT LINES are broken a bill will be sent to the responsible party.
Hydrant Meter Policy
The District”s hydrant meter policy was designed to assist businesses with complying to Clark County dust control requirements, by allowing limited use of the District”s fire suppression system. In August of 2011 the policy was revised to include usage for other non-business dust control needs such as rodeo arenas.
In the interest of public health, Federal and State regulations require that all connections to a public water system are protected from cross connection contamination, which is defined as an actual or potential connection between a potable and non-potable water supply. This is typically accomplished by means of an approved backflow device or by providing a permanent “air gap”.
Customers who apply for a hydrant meter permit are required to comply with all of the following rules:
- An approved backflow prevention device shall be installed on the outlet of the hydrant meter when no air gap is present. The device shall be sufficient for the cross connection hazard (i.e. AVB, PVB, DC, RP).
- The approved backflow prevention assembly must be tested by a certified tester at time of hydrant meter placement.
- If an approved backflow prevention assembly is not used then there must be a permanent and fixed air gap (An air gap is the unobstructed vertical gap between the water outlet and the flood level of the receiving vessel. The gap must be two times the diameter of the outlet piping).
- All piping and connections from the hydrant meter to the outlet must remain above ground and visible for inspection.
- All piping and connections to the hydrant meter which are used in conjunction with filling of water trucks, above ground sprinkling systems, etc., are to be disconnected from the hydrant meter when not in use.
- On-site inspection, by MVWD personnel, of the connection to the hydrant meter and any equipment to be used is required prior to final authorization of the permit.
- Once the connection has been established, the permit-holder may not change the receiving equipment or connection without prior approval by MVWD.
- The permit holder is not authorized to operate the hydrant at any time. A separate valve will be placed on the outlet of the hydrant meter to allow the customer to start and stop the flow of water.
Any violation of the above rules will result in the immediate removal of the hydrant meter and penalties up to and including fines and liability.
If you have any questions, please contact the water district office at (702)397-6893, Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm.